Prophetic Word For The Wildchild
The prodigals, creatives and radicals.
These are the preachers' kids, the rebels and those whose entire make up is to think outside of the box. They will NEVER, EVER conform to a religious system or current "church structure." They will not fit in anyone's "box." However, because of their radical, free-spirit lifestyles, they have been created to receive the "downloads" of new inventions and creative expressions that God is pouring out.
They are WIDE OPEN to do things in a completely different way, with absolutely no concern about what people think of them. They didn't care what people thought about them while they were in rebellion and they don't care now, as they are not out to make a name for themselves, but to express Heaven's creativity here on the earth.
Cindy McGill
Wild Child Ministries – Core Values
We are committed to:
Loving one another
Cultivating a culture of honor
Affirming each individual’s inherit value as a child of God
Serving our communities with a “Spirit of Excellence”
Walking in truth and kindness
Honoring God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit in all we do publicly and privately
Pursuing holiness, integrity and purity in every area of life
Wild Child Ministries – Sustainability & Future Movement
COMMUNITY – Connection through “Supernatural Weight Loss Ministry” on Facebook and future live stream events
OUTREACH – Spiritual and emotional support for residents of RV parks, jails, hospitals and nursing homes. Participation in Gay Pride events, Wild Child afterschool programs for elementary schools, free counseling and support for those married or dating
TEACH – Tuesday live teaching 5pm 93363 Elk River Rd, Port Orford, OR
Also Online YouTube teaching
RETREATS – Wild Child Summit (Experiential) Camp Fircroft, Langlois, OR Summer 2022
EMERGING – Establishing House Churches and developing House Church leaders
CONNECTIONS – (Regional) House Church Leader Training for Texas, Oklahoma, California and Oregon: LIghtbearers Ministries
(International) Counselor for online cult outreach: Witnesses for Jesus:
(Personal) Counseling via email:
Wild Child Ministries – Our Humble Beginnings
I was 7 years old, preparing for my first “Field Day” at school. I was competing in the broad jump. I was so excited. Mom bought me a special outfit for the occasion. New clothes were rare in our house, but she made an exception for my special day. The outfit was a double knit shorts set…white shorts with a purple and white striped sleeveless top. I looked at myself in the full length mirror and was mortified! I was fat! My stomach stuck out and my legs were pudgy. I went to school so embarrassed, so ashamed and humiliated. Of course I didn’t place in my event. My day was ruined. That was when the spirit of “ugly, fat and gross” entered into me.
From that day forward I needed people to affirm my worth and value through my appearance. I was boy crazy, and yet, once a boy showed interest in me I was done with him. Obviously something was wrong with him if he liked someone as flawed as me. I didn’t see myself as likable, lovable or attractive. I could not receive unconditional love, nor could I freely give it. I built walls emotionally and physically to keep me safe. Deep inside I knew I was unworthy of true love, yet I craved it.
I wrestled with weight all my life, just as my mother before me. I was obsessed with my weight no matter what the scales said, it was never good enough. For brief times I would get to a decent weight, only to succumb to cravings and weight gain again. I was always on the hunt for the magic solution, weight watchers, Atkins, low carb, keto, south beach, north beach, Dr Gundry, Dr Phil, Dr Berg, one meal a day, vegetarian, vegan, raw vegan, no fat, all fat and multiple types of fasting. Then I saw online how people were receiving supernatural weight loss. I was intrigued. I asked God to show me if this was real.
Slowly he began to open my eyes to his extraordinary love for people struggling with weight and self-esteem issues. The first revelation came during a weekly bible study at my church. The pastor was teaching on Psalm 82. Basically it goes like this; “If you would have only obeyed me, then I would have made you so successful that nations would have bowed before you. I would have rewarded you with fine flour and rock honey. However, you refused to listen to me, so I was forced to turn you over to your own counsel.”
Wow, one reward for obeying God is pancakes! Carbs are not my enemy! This was radical. I didn’t want God to turn me over to my own counsel, so I went home and returned all my health, nutrition and diet books to the library. I began to seek God alone for my health. It was difficult. I came from a legalistic, works based salvation background where you were always looking for the magic formula, prescription or recipe for God’s favor. My whole life imitated this paradigm. As I sought God for weight loss I made lots of mistakes. Nevertheless, he kept giving me scriptures which gave me hope.
One day I was complaining to Jesus, “You don’t know what it’s like to be a woman…you don’t understand how embarrassing it is to be overweight. How could you possibly relate to someone like me?” He answered, “Oh really?! Didn’t I bear the spirit of heaviness in the garden? Didn’t I despise the shame of the cross? I know more about heaviness and shame than you ever will, and that’s why I can help you, if you let me.”
One day, I was literally begging God to show me if supernatural weight loss was real and if it was the ministry he wanted me to have. I wanted sign from heaven, a thundering voice out of the sky, something irrefutable. As usual, he brought me back to his Word.
He started teaching me about the vineyard owner in Matthew 20. He had me focus on the eleventh hour worker. This worker got paid exactly as much for one hour of work as the one who worked twelve hours. I could obtain from God the same reward as those who work out and meticulously eat only birdseed and protein shakes for years! Hallelujah! I asked God to help me understand how this works, specifically, what is my “one hour” in all this? If a thousand years is as one day to God, then one hour equals forty days. From here I asked God, “What is it you want me to do for forty days?”
Long story short, he told me to eat only animal products for forty days. In that time I lost twenty pounds! I was so successful that I continued on this carnivorous diet, thinking it would keep working. However, after forty days I lost no more weight. Finally I remembered to ask God for my next step. He instructed me to stop adding fat and coffee to my diet for forty days. The weight started dropping again. He has even given me “fine flour and rock honey” as a treat once in a while, without any weight gain.
I’m not advocating for any diet regime, only for God’s perfect plan for your health. Scripture mentions lots of different diets God proscribed for people at various times and for various reasons. Perhaps he will send you to one of those. God has the perfect plan for you. Seek him and he will let himself be found. Keep knocking and the door will be opened to you.
Each time I ask God if supernatural weight loss is real, he answers with scripture. It’s always related to his intimate love for us as individuals. Your walk may look different than mine, but the point is He cares for you more than you know. He relates to your shame and your struggle. I encourage you to sit alone with God, ask him questions and write down his answers. Below is a journal entry of such a time with God, sitting still, asking and listening for his answer:
Dear God – I desperately need your help to lose weight. You said you would help me and you said you would use me to help others lose weight supernaturally. Did I just imagine this or did you really say this?
My child – I gave you the gift of writing…write yourself to me…see me show up on the pages. No more procrastination. Write it, experience it, teach it to others. I will be with you in the process. This is more than a weight loss miracle, it’s a journey for us to take together. Stop wasting my wisdom…put it down in writing…live it…believe it…believe in me. I don’t want to set you free until you are ready to be used by me to set many captives free. Obedience is better than sacrifices made in diet or exercise…exercise the gifts I gave you. I did not make you a great athlete. I did not make you to live restricted of my bounty. I made you to live in abundance. Your weight is all the gifts I’ve entrusted to you, they are bound up inside you. All I ask is that you release the power of words which I have entrusted you with. The kingdom is NOT food & drink…it’s righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Your miracle, the miracle you seek, it will come from your pen and I will multiply the effects of this gift. I will use you…I will bless you to be a blessing to thousands of my hurting children who are calling out to me for deliverance from the prison of their bodies. Don’t worry about anyone who is critical of your calling….YOU JUST WRITE!
Pentecost Sunday, 2021 – God launched this ministry on Pentecost Sunday. After 2½ hours of praying in the spirit, Jesus came to me in a vision. He looked into my face, then changed into a lion. He told me to get on his back so he could take me for a ride. I said, “Oh no Jesus, I’m too heavy, I would hurt you.” He told me to place the version of myself on his back that I thought wouldn’t be too heavy. I put the seven year old “me” on his back. I was wearing the double knit Field Day outfit. He took me to the house of my childhood, the one with the full length mirror. He showed me how the spirit of fat and ugly got on me that day and tried to destroy my destiny. He said, “It wasn’t your fault, it was never your fault.” The spirit of that ugly thing left me. I went into a deep groaning cry, so deep it took my breath away. Tears flowed as I realized he was healing me, delivering me, loving me and setting me free. I couldn’t stop thanking him for what he had just done.
Next we were in a large grassy field. I was my current self and Jesus was Jesus again. After thanking him again I said, “Jesus, I need to ask you if you really want to use me to help people receive supernatural weight loss?” He said nothing, he only turned around and showed me his back. It was brutalized beyond any human description. It was horrific. I started to cry again, it was a very painful thing to behold. He said, “Tammie, don’t you believe there’s enough healing in my stripes for these people?” He told me to turn around and look. Behind me I saw hundreds of obese and overweight people coming towards us. I looked back at Jesus and he told me to heal them.
That day I was set free from a lifelong struggle to receive love and to love others without judgement. It led to the revival of my marriage and the birth of this ministry. There is more than enough healing for anything you need today, including weight loss. Jesus loves you so much. Let him walk through this process with you, let him pour out his love on you in the places you thought were off limits. If you think your sin is too great for your God to forgive and heal then you need a different God. Jesus’ love will heal anything!
Wild Child Ministries – Loves
In particular, God has given me:
Revelation on marriage – God has taken down the walls and brought revival to my marriage physically, mentally emotionally and spiritually. God wants to revive and restore all marriages through the ministry of reconciliation and the pulling down of strongholds. 2Cor. 5:18-19, 10:5
Revelation on obesity – God wants to walk through personal health journeys with each individual by exposing lies, delivering from deception and appropriating his forgiveness through supernatural weight loss and the Word of God. It’s all in His stripes. 1Peter 2:24 Matt. 15:11
Revelation on his kind intentions toward his lost LGBTQ Bride – Jesus loves all those who are egregiously misguided into believing they are something they are not and is committed to restoring their stolen identity. The truth will set them free! 1Cor. 6:11 Isaiah 56:4 John 8:32
Revelation on God’s heart for children – God is raising up the next generation 5-25 years old and releasing them into their destiny. These will be the children who know their God and do great exploits on the earth. A little child will lead them all. Daniel 11:32 Mark 10:14
Revelation on God’s desire to liberate people from cults – God has a special grace for those caught up in cults. He sees their hunger and how religion has fed them cardboard so they feel full, but are emaciated, blind and naked. He desires to rescue them. John 6:28-29 1John 2:27
Revelation on God’s generals held captive or imprisoned – Declare freedom! Preach the acceptable year of the Lord! Criminals are really God’s generals whose lives have been sabotaged by the enemy to keep them from their destiny. Isaiah 61:1-2
Revelation on the power of praise and worship – Pure worship brings us before the throne of God, into his presence and glory. God is looking for two kinds of people, the lost and those who will worship him with spirit and truth. Psalm 100:4 John 4:24
Wild Child Ministries – Supernatural Weightloss Revival Movement
As I struggled with my own weight issues God began to reveal supernatural weight loss was something real, and it was the desire of his heart to free people from the prison of their bodies in a glorious time of revival he’s bringing to the earth.
“Fat” in the Bible means “the power to do miracles”. I believe people who are struggling in this area are God’s special agents in the earth, sent here to do mighty miracles and live in the supernatural signs and wonders of God. That’s why they have been strategically targeted by the enemy to have this particular bondage, as their skinny counterparts seem to eat whatever they want and not gain an ounce. It’s just a hunch, but it’s very obvious that something sinister is going on behind the scenes when bodies fail to perform as they were created to perform. We are fearfully and wonderfully made.
“Fearfully”? Who’s afraid of our body? Satan! He knows too well what a healthy, lean, strong, born-again, baptized in the Holy Spirit, tongue talking, faith filled Christian is capable of. If he can keep us weighed down with the spirit of heaviness, discredit us through self-conscious, self-loathing, embarrassment, shame, guilt and failure, he can utterly destroy any potential we have for evangelizing the world around us. He’s manipulated our food system to such a degree that hardly anything on the grocery store shelves resembles God’s original creation. This has led to many health challenges, but are we powerless to rise above these machinations? NO!
We can fight back, we can win this war! We can have the bodies and the health God designed when he wrote our body parts down in a book in heaven. (Ps. 139:16) If we can believe for cancerous tumors to be supernaturally healed, why not believe that unnecessary fat tissue can be melted off supernaturally too?!
Why is this concept difficult to believe? Because we think we deserve to be heavy, we deserve to be ugly and we deserve to be outcasts in a society which interprets beauty and intelligence only as “skinny”. We think it’s our own fault and thus we must reap what we have sown. As we think, so we are. (Prov. 23:7) That would have been true in the Old Testament, but it’s not true today. We may have sowed the wrong seeds and deserve a bitter harvest, but this negates the cross. Jesus became the curse for us! We can escape the bad harvest two ways: 1. By praise and gratitude and 2. By the blood of the lamb. These two things nullify Satan’s right to bring a bad harvest into your life or onto your body.
Obesity is insipient death. Jesus redeemed us from the curse of death. “Death, where is your sting?” God asked me to teach the scriptures he gave me on this subject and let him be responsible for the results. It’s a revelation of how deeply and intimately Jesus loves us. His love covers a multitude of sins. Today it’s no longer “doing something to get something” from God. It’s not about the woman with the issue of blood, whose faith required her to touch the hem of Jesus’ garment. Today it’s the paralytic man lowered into the room by his friends, unable to do anything for himself. If your sin is too great for your God to forgive and heal, you need a new God. Religion says, “You made your bed, now lay in it.” Jesus says, “Your sins are forgiven, now get up and walk.” It’s that simple. Supernatural weight loss is real and it’s available for you today. Ask Jesus to help you grasp how much he truly loves you.
Wild Child Ministries – Loves
Supernatural Weight Loss – Genesis
Our issues with food started in Genesis. We turned food into a villain in the garden. Adam and Eve had plenty of food to eat and it was all free…they didn’t have to work for it. They enjoyed perfect health and vitality from their God given diet. There was only 1 thing they were asked to tithe, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Eating everything except this particular tree was a tangible way the first couple could show their love, appreciation and respect for their Creator. Through this simple act of obedience they could have enjoyed eternal life in paradise. Sadly, this was not what happened. Eve succumbed to all three sins…the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye and the pride of life. (1 John 2:16) Eve saw the fruit, she touched the fruit and she wanted to be like God, foolishly disregarding the fact she was already like God.
This is where all destructive thoughts and attitudes towards food began. Thankfully, the story doesn’t end there. God provided the answer to their problem immediately. He prophesied about a coming Savior who would defeat the serpent and nullify the curse. (See Genesis 3:15) Ironically, we acknowledge this provision through a food ritual commonly known as Holy Communion. Jesus said his flesh was true food and his blood true drink. (See John 6:55) Start here. Take communion every day. Redemption from food obsessions, cravings and the desire to be more than mere mortals was all included in the ransom sacrifice of Jesus. When we partake of the communion we are saying we agree with God and we thankfully accept his sacrifice on our behalf. Jesus didn’t come to save sinners, he came to restore relationships with lost sons and daughters. Embrace his provision for you today.
What does all this have to do with supernatural weight loss? When we accept Jesus as our Savior, he comes to live inside us and we get to live out his perfect life, a life we could never live on our own. It’s a supernatural way of life, which includes supernatural health. If excess weight is stopping you in any way from walking into your destiny, then you have a guarantee of God’s help in delivering you from whatever is keeping you trapped. Fat is Satan’s prison to make you feel worthless, defeated and embarrassed. You probably won’t walk up and start a conversation about Jesus if you feel self-conscious about your appearance. Excess weight is like an anchor holding you back from being your true self. It destroys your credibility and worse. Weight issues are commonly the root cause of many life shortening conditions, like type 2 diabetes, etc. Therefore excess weight can be considered incipient death…and death is from Satan, a defeated foe. That’s why you can be absolutely confident that God wants you well, healed and whole, which includes helping you achieve supernatural weight loss. I have seen firsthand that God really does give miraculous supernatural weight loss to those I’ve prayed for. I pray for you now:
Father, I thank you for your provision of supernatural weight loss. I thank you for the individual reading this today and I bless them in the name of Jesus. Send your ministering angels to direct them into the path you want them to walk in. Give them divine wisdom for whatever changes you want them to make, and give them faith to believe your mercy is abundant for helping them to become the person you sent them to the earth to become. May the person reading this wake up in the morning 10 pounds lighter and may they give you all the glory for your blessing. By this they will know there is a God in heaven and just how dearly you love them. In Jesus' name, Amen.